Script Commands for Linux Devices

Use the options and examples below to help you create your own powerful script commands.

All Linux supported scripts can be run on Linux devices. You can also use the options and examples below to help you create your own powerful script commands.

Note: Use the commands and scripts as supported for the Linux distribution on the device. For details, read Sending Scripts to Devices.


Format Meaning
text Enter the command exactly as shown.
text Replace with the requested information.
[text] Square brackets indicate optional information for the command.
text|text Choose one of the options separated by the vertical pipe.


Command Syntax

Changes the current directory.

cd [directory]


To change to the Chocolate directory:

cd Chocolate

copy or cp

Copies one or more files to another location.

copy source destination


To copy all files with the extension .txt from the /etc/passwd directory to the /etc/group directory on the device:

cp /etc/passwd/*.txt /etc/group


Prompts the SOTI MobiControl Device Agent to try to connect to the deployment server.

./mobicontrol -connect

Deletes a file or folder.

del filename


To delete a file named skittles.jpg:

del skittles.jpg

To delete all files with the extension .jpg in the current directory:

del *.tmp

To delete a file named skittles.jpg, forcefully:

del -f skittles.jpg

To delete a folder named Wrigley:

del Wrigley/


Prompts the SOTI MobiControl Device Agent to disconnect from the deployment server.

Note: You can only apply this when you enable the Manual connection setting.
./mobicontrol -disconnect

Shuts down the device.

sudo halt

Displays the manual for a command.

man command


To learn more about the chmod command:

man chmod

mkdir or md

Creates a new directory.

mkdir [drive:] path


To create a directory named "test" from the current directory:

mkdir test

To create test/test1/test2/test3 recursively:

mkdir -p /test1/test2/test3 or md /test/test1/test2/test3


Moves a file from specified source location to specified destination location.

Note: You can rename the file at the same time by specifying a name for the destination filename.
move [sourceFilePath] filename destinationFilePath [filename]


To move the file test.txt:

move test.txt /home/sample

To move and rename a file at the same time:

move /home/test.txt /newfolder/test1.cmd

To move a folder to the root folder:

move /home/Mars /


Reboots the device.

sudo reboot

Performs a soft or hard reset of the device.

reset [/S] [/delay sec]


  • /S is the default option and soft resets the device. This option also terminates any desktop remote control sessions.
  • /delay specifies that the reset should delay by the value in seconds. If /delay parameter is not defined, the default value is 5 seconds.


To soft reset a device after a 30 second delay:

reset /S /delay 30


Deletes a file or folder.

rm filename


To delete a file named skittles.jpg:

rm skittles.jpg

To delete all files with the extension .jpg in the current directory:

rm *.tmp

To delete a file named skittles.jpg, forcefully:

rm -f skittles.jpg

To delete a folder named Wrigley:

rm Wrigley/

rmdir or rd

Deletes a directory.

rmdir [/S] path

Where /S removes any subdirectories

This command requires the /S option on Android Plus and Linux devices and deletes the specified item, whether a directory or a file.


To remove an empty directory named "test" from the current directory:

rmdir test

To remove a directory named "test" and all of its contents from the current directory:

rmdir /S test

To remove a location:

rmdir /sdcard/Download/test


Sets the date and time.

setdate date [time]

Where date is in the following format: mm-dd-yyy and time is in the following format: HH:MM:SS


To set the date and time of the device

setdate 08–20–2016 13:32:00


Launches the Linux shell.


Reboots the device. You can specify a delay (in milliseconds) before the device reboots.

turnoff [time]


To turn off the device in 3.5 seconds:

turnoff 3500


Saves or deletes specified settings on a device.

See The writeprivateprofstring Command for more information.