SOTI MobiControlConsole Alerts and Announcements

About this task

Alerts and announcements inform you of system events, news, and information from SOTI. You can review and manage them in a single location using the notification panel.

System-related notifications may appear for the following reasons:

  • License or maintenance expiration (30 days prior and persistently after expiration)
  • Device license availability falls below 5%
  • Certificate or token expiration (30 days prior, and persistently after) of:
    • Apple Push Notification Service certificate
    • Apple Automated Device Enrollment token
    • Apple App Store License tokens
    • Management service, Deployment server, and Deployment server extension certificates
  • Status changes of various components of SOTI MobiControl:
    • Cloud Link Agent
    • SOTI Services
  • Server error messages
  • Alerts created as Actions from the Signal Policy feature
  • After installing or upgrading to a new version, SOTI MobiControl sends announcements promoting new features. These announcements stop 48 hours after first sign in, but you can still see the new features by selecting Username > Explore What's New.
Note: System-related announcements and alerts appear to all SOTI MobiControl users and clear when the related issue resolves.
Note: SOTI MobiControl also uses the notification panel for security, product updates, system maintenance, and other information. Periodically, notifications may request your feedback for improving our products. You may mute notifications in the panel.

Notification Panel Permissions

About this task

Use the notification panel permissions to control access to alerts and announcements.


To set notification panel permissions:
  1. Sign into the SOTI MobiControl console.
  2. From the main menu, select Users and Permissions > General Permissions.
  3. Allow or deny the following permissions:
    • View System Announcements
    • View Announcements
    • View Alerts

Using the Notification Panel

About this task

This section describes the notification panel features.


The notification panel offers you control over many features:
  1. Sign into the SOTI MobiControl console.
  2. To access the notification panel, select the notification panel icon at the top-left of the console.
    Notification panel select
    Note: A red dot in the notification panel icon indicates unread notifications.
  3. To view notifications in the notification panel display, select the Alerts or Announcements tab. Tabs show the number of unread announcements and alerts in parenthesis. A blue dot in a notification indicates the notification is unread.
    Notification panel tabs
  4. To display any combination of read, unread, or muted notifications, select the Filter icon.
    Notification panel select
    Use the filter pop-up menu to display notifications based on their status:
    • Read notification
    • Unread notification
    • Muted notification
    In the example below, only unread notifications display in the notification panel.
    Notification panel select
    Note: The numbers in parenthesis indicate the total number of unread alerts and announcements, regardless of applied filters.
  5. To change the status of a notification from unread to read, un-muted to muted, or to clear a notification, select the notification's options icon (red box below).
    Notification panel ellipsis
    In the options pop-up menu, select one of the following options:
    • Mark as Read (the blue dot in the notification disappears)
    • Clear (delete the notification)
    • Mute (ignore further notifications of the same type and display the muted icon)
    Note: You cannot restore cleared notifications.
    Notification panel options

    In this example, the notification shows as read and no longer displays a blue dot.

    Notification panel unread
    Note: When marking a notification as read, the Mark as Read option in the notification's option menu changes to Mark as Unread.
  6. To mute a notification and ignore further notifications of the same signal type, select the notification's options icon and select Mute.
    Notification panel mute

    The notification displays a muted icon with further notifications of the same type ignored.

    Notification panel muted
    Note: Muting a notification changes the Mute option to Un-mute.
  7. To mark all alerts as read, or to clear all alerts in the Alerts tab, navigate to the bottom of the notification panel. Select Mark All as Read or Clear All. To mark all announcements as read, at the bottom of the Announcements tab, select Mark All as Read.
    Notification panel bottom


You can now:
  • Access the notification panel, view the notifications and the number of unread alerts and announcements.
  • Filter notifications to view any combination of read, unread and muted notifications.
  • Clear, mark as read or unread, and mute or un-mute individual notifications.
  • Mark or clear all alerts at once.
  • Mark all announcements as read.