Deployment Server Stats

This page displays the up-to-date Deployment server stats in the read-only mode. To access this information in the edit mode, you need to run Administration Utility - see SOTI MobiControl Administration.

Server Info

Name The Deployment server name.
Status Indicates if the Management server is online or offline.
Primary Agent Communication Address The primary address (IP or FQDN format) for device connectivity, as well as its associated port.
Primary Management Address The external FQDN address and associated port that Apple and Android devices use for connectivity.
Devices Connected The number of devices connected to the Deployment server.
Queue Length The number of messages in the queue that needs to be processed by the Deployment server.
DS Uptime How long the Deployment server has been running since the last time it was started.
Thread Count The number of currently active threads in the Deployment server.
Last DB Response Time The time it took to get a response back from the SQL Server the last time the Deployment server sent a query to SQL Server. This is the round-trip time between the Deployment server and SQL Server. This information highlights any latency between the given Deployment server and SQL Server.
Minimum DB Response Time Similar to the Last DB Response Time above except this is the least round-trip time observed between the Deployment server and SQL Server.
Maximum DB Response Time Similar to the Last DB Response Time above except this is the longest round-trip time observed between the Deployment server and SQL Server.

Management Console Connection Settings

Hostname/IP Address The address (IP or FQDN) the management service uses to connect to the Deployment server.
Alternate Hostname/IP Address An alternative address (IP or FQDN) the management service uses to connect to the Deployment server.

Device Agent Connection Settings

Hostname/IP Address The address (IP or FQDN) the Device Agent uses to connect to the Deployment server.
Alternate Hostname/IP Address An alternative address (IP or FQDN) the Device Agent uses to connect to the Deployment server.

Device Connection Sensitivity

Test Message Frequency How often test messages are sent to devices from the Deployment server.
Maximum Time Waiting to Reply How long the deployment server waits for a reply from the device after a test message has been sent.

Advanced Server Configuration

Log Server Activity "On" if the server activity is being logged, "off" otherwise."
Minimum Threads The minimum number of service threads. This value is twice the number of processor cores available on the Deployment server.
Optimum Threads The maximum number of service threads. This value is 16 times the number of processor cores available on the Deployment server.
Maximum Burst Threads The maximum number of service threads based on the Server configurations. This value is 64 times the number of processor cores available on the Deployment server.
Check Rule Changes How often the Deployment server checks the database for changes to rules.
Check for Device Schedule Changes How often the Deployment server checks the database for changes to device schedules.