Resolving Upgrade Issues Related to LDAP Groups
When upgrading SOTI MobiControl to 15.4.1 or a later version, you may encounter issues with previously available LDAP groups missing in the updated user interface.
Conflict Category | Category Description | Remedy |
Missing LDAP groups | In the SecurityPrincipal table, LdapConnectionId was null for some of the groups. In previous versions of the SOTI MobiControl interface, LdapConnectionId was not used while listing the groups. In the updated interface, directory groups are now classified as Azure Groups and LDAP Groups. The LdapConnectionId in the SecurityPrincipal table is now required for this classification. | After upgrading, get a list of
LDAPConnectionID by running the following query:
Select * from LdapConnection; , then use the
following queries to update LdapConnectionId:
For single LDAP: For multiple LDAP: |