MDM Profile for Apple Devices

The MDM profile for Apple devices allows SOTI MobiControl to manage iOS and macOS devices via the client identity certificate and the MDM profile signing certificate. The MDM profile is installed on Apple devices as part of the enrollment process.

SOTI MobiControl automatically renews the MDM profile before either the client certificate or the MDM profile signing certificate expire so Apple devices remain under SOTI MobiControl management without interruption.

As part of nightly maintenance, SOTI MobiControl checks:

  • If the client identity certificate is set to expiry within 90 days
  • If the MDM profile certificate and the current iOS profile signing certificate are set to expire within 90 days

If a device meets these criteria, SOTI MobiControl will renew its MDM profile. You can review the status of MDM profiles by looking at an Apple device's Device Information panel or looking at server log messages.

You can also manually renew an Apple MDM profile.