Managing DEP Device Assignments

Before you begin

You must have already created a new add devices rule that consists of the new enrollment settings.

If you have a large number of devices to reassign, you can import a .csv file containing your device's serial numbers. The first column of the .csv file must be the serial number and the second column must be the device type: iPad or iPhone.

About this task

By default, all DEP devices assigned to an instance of SOTI MobiControl are automatically assigned to the default Apple add devices rule. You can reassign devices to other add devices rules and tailor specific enrollment settings to them.

To reassign Apple DEP devices to new add devices rules:


  1. On the Apple tab, select the Rules tab.
  2. Right-click a DEP add devices rule and select Manage DEP Assignments to open the Manage DEP Assignments dialog box and display devices that currently assigned to the selected rule.
  3. Select All DEP Devices from the drop-down to display all of the DEP devices enrolled in this SOTI MobiControl instance.
  4. Click Manage Assignments to open the Manage Assignments dialog box.
  5. Click the Add button and enter the serial number of the device that you want to reassign in the Serial Number field. Alternatively, click Import File to upload a .csv file and skip the next step.
    SOTI MobiControl matches the serial number with an existing device in the database and then populates the rest of the fields with the corresponding information.
  6. Repeat until you have entered all of the devices that you want to reassign.
  7. Fix any errors using the Edit and Delete buttons.
    Errors are caused by duplicate entries, missing information, or invalid devices (devices that are not assigned to this instance of SOTI MobiControl). Device reassignment cannot proceed until the flagged errors are resolved.
  8. Once you are satisfied with the list of devices, select a new DEP add devices rule from the Choose Action drop-down list.
  9. Click OK to save your changes and close the Manage Assignments dialog box and OK again to close the Manage DEP Assignments dialog box.


You can review the statuses of your reassigned devices in the Manage DEP Assignments dialog box. The reassignment goes into effect when the device next activates.