Data Type

Select the types of data you want this rule to collect.

The types of data available for collection are listed in the Available Items list. To have the rule collect a data type, select it in the Available Items list and click the right arrow button to move it to the Collected Items list. To remove a data type from the list of types to be collected, select it in the Collected Items list and click the left arrow button to move it back to the Available Items list.

To define a new data type for collection, click the New button to open the Custom Data Definition dialog box.

Available Data Types

App In Foreground The app that is in the foreground when the rule is run.
Available External Storage The amount of external storage space available on the device.
Available Internal Storage The amount of internal storage space available on the device.
Available Memory The amount of RAM available on the device.
Available System Storage The total amount of system storage space available on the device.
Battery Charge Cycle The number of charge cycles a battery has undergone.
Battery Health Percentage The health of the battery in percentage format.
Battery Percentage The remaining battery charge on the device (as a percent of battery capacity) when the rule is run.
Call Log The log of inbound and outbound calls on the device.
Calls Completed The log of calls completed on the device.
Calls Dropped The log of calls dropped on the device.
Calls Missed The log of missed calls on the device.
Cellular Carrier The cellular carrier the device is connected to when the rule is run.
Cellular Signal Strength The cellular signal strength of the device when the rule is run.
Failed Password Attempts The number of failed password attempts.
IP Address The IP address of the device when the rule is run.
Location The location of the device when the rule is run.
Operating System Version The operating system version on the device.
SSID The SSID the device is connected to when the rule is run.
WiFi Access Point MAC Address (BSSID) The MAC address the device is connected to when the rule is run.
WiFi Signal Strength (RSSI) The signal strength of a wireless connection. A value of 0 (zero) is collected when there is no signal listed in the SOTI MobiControl console.