Add/Edit Application Catalog Entry (B2B Applications)

Use the Add/Edit Application Catalog Entry dialog box to select and configure applications made available for managed distribution through the Apple Volume Purchase Program (VPP). Applications sent to iOS devices must be B2B applications, however you can also use VPP with App Store applications for iOS.

You can also edit a VPP application that has already been added to the rule.

VPP Account Select the VPP account through which the B2B application is being made available.
Select an Application Enter the name of the VPP B2B application, or click the Search button to open the Select a VPP B2B Application dialog box in which you can select it.

Application Information

In this section you can review application information such as the display name, version, seller, and description.

In Supported Devices list, select the supported devices for this application.

In the Assignment Type list, select whether you want the VPP license assignment to be user-based or device-based.

To select an icon for the application, click on the graphic and select the icon file.

Summary of License

In this section you can review the total number of VPP licenses that have been purchased and redeemed, and the total number of VPP licenses that are remaining.