Using Add Devices Rule Filters
By default, an add devices rule adds only those devices that are running a device agent created specifically for that rule. Rule filters enable you to broaden or restrict which devices get added by the rule when they connect to SOTI MobiControl. There are four types of add devices rule filter: a rule tag filter, a IP address filter, a device property filter, and a firmware version filter.
Rule Tag Filters
A rule tag filter restricts the rule to adding only devices with a specific device rule tag. When a SOTI MobiControl device agent is generated, a unique identifier (rule tag) is inserted into the agent. When the device agent connects to a SOTI MobiControl deployment server, it presents the server with the rule tag. When this filter is used, the deployment server will only add a device if there is a match between the rule tag presented by the agent and an add devices rule in the SOTI MobiControl database. In this way, an add devices rule will be used to add only those devices that are using an agent specifically created for that rule.
This is the default filter; it is automatically added when an add devices rule is created. If this filter is deleted, then the add devices rule can be used to configure devices that are using device agents created by third parties (for example when a device agent is already installed on the device when it comes from the manufacturer) or device agents created for other add devices rules.
IP Address Filters
An IP address filter restricts the add devices rule to adding only those devices whose IP address falls within a specified range. This rule filter can be useful as an extra security measure to limit connections, or as a means of segregating different sets of devices.
Device Property Filters
A device property filter restricts the add devices rule to adding only those devices that have specified properties, such as a minimum operating system version.
Firmware Version Filters
A firmware version filter restricts the add devices rule to adding only those devices whose firmware version falls within a specified range.