SOTI Connect Components

A SOTI Connect system includes the following components, which work together to manage IoT devices: For a visual representation of how the components relate, see SOTI Connect Network Diagram below.


The SOTI Connect console is the primary administrative interface for SOTI Connect, facilitating comprehensive device management.

The key functions of the console include:
  • Discover and add new devices
  • Delete devices
  • Perform actions on devices, such as updating or restarting them
  • Create, modify, and delete various types of rules
  • See the current status and properties of devices.
  • Group devices
  • Add, update, and remove SOTI Connect users and roles
  • Configure SOTI Connect settings
  • View system logs
  • Generate reports

The console serves as the front end for the SOTI Connect management server, displaying device information maintained by the server. Actions performed on devices within the console transmits to the management server through API calls.

For information about how to use the console, see About the Console.

Management Server

The management server functions as the back end for the console. Actions initiated in the console transmits to the management server for execution. The management server maintains device information and relays it to the console for display.

The management server also communicates with the protocol adapters registered with the SOTI Connect system.

Protocol Adapter

Protocol adapters communicate with the management server (using JSON messages defined by a protocol definition) and with devices (using device-specific protocols).

Protocol Definition

Protocol definitions specify the messages that the management server and the protocol adapter must exchange to execute a device action.

Protocol Definition Server

The protocol definition server is the central repository for all protocol definitions. It sends protocol definitions to the management server as requested.

SOTI Connect Network Diagram

See Interactive Network Diagram for more details.

SOTI Connect components
Note: Some protocol instances are the devices.