Using the SOTI Connect Swagger API

Before you begin

  • You must have SOTI Connect administrator credentials.
  • Generate Client ID and Client Secret from the SOTI Connect console under Global Settings > General > Security Access. You can generate new API Client IDs and Client Secrets at any time.

About this task

Integrate SOTI Connect into your enterprise mobility workflow or partner applications using the Swagger web service API. SOTI Connect provides an interactive environment to experiment with the Swagger API. Use the following procedure to access the interactive Swagger API environment and authorize required APIs.


  1. Sign in to the SOTI Connect console using the SOTI Connect Administrator credentials.
  2. In the address bar of the web browser, replace the text after Connect/ with api and press Enter to go to the new web page.
    For example, change to
  3. Select Authorize in the top-right corner of the Connect API page.
    1. Enter the SOTI Connect Administrator Username and Password.
    2. Under the Client credentials location list, select Authorization header.
    3. Enter the client_id and client_secret generated using the SOTI Connect console.
    4. Select Authorize.
  4. Expand the category and select the required API. For example, Devices > GET /api/devices.
  5. Select Try it out and fill in the required parameters to use the API.
  6. Select Execute.
  7. Review the Responses to examine the result of the API call.


You have entered the interactive environment of the SOTI Connect Swagger API service and successfully authorized the required API(s) for use in the SOTI Connect environment. Detailed information on the available APIs is available within the API reference.
Important: API calls sent from the Swagger API page are executed against your SOTI Connect environment. Exercise extreme caution when executing each API call against a production environment.