Generating a Report

About this task

In SOTI Connect, the data contained in a report is collected using a data collection rule.

To generate a report in SOTI Connect:


  1. On the menu bar, click the main menu button and select Rules.
    The Rules view opens.
  2. In the Rules view, click New Rule.
    The Add Rule wizard opens.
  3. In the Selecting a Rule Type wizard panel, select Data Collection Rule, then click Next.
  4. In the Select Devices wizard panel, select the devices or device types for which you want to generate reports, then click Next.
  5. In the Setup wizard panel, enter a unique rule name and description, the start time of data collection, and how frequently you want to collect the data.
    Notice that the Check In request has been added under Action(s).
  6. Click Finish to close the Add Rule wizard and create the data collection rule.


Now the system will generate reports at the given start time and you can read them in the Reports view to analyze the data.