Global Settings: SOTI One

Use this section to enter the URLs and login credentials for SOTI Assist, SOTI MobiControl, SOTI Snap, SOTI Insight, and SOTI Identity.
Note: SOTI Identity enables you to manage user roles and login credentials for SOTI Connect. If you enable SOTI Identity here, and configure SOTI Identity to manage this SOTI Connect instance, then only SOTI Identity can be used to manage user roles and login credentials for this SOTI Connect instance, and users must use SOTI Identity to log into this SOTI Connect instance. For more information about how to use SOTI Identity, see SOTI Identity Help.
SOTI Assist Use this section to integrate with and manage your SOTI Assist product.
SOTI Identity Use this section to integrate with your SOTI Identity product.
SOTI Insight Use this section to integrate with your SOTI Insight product.
MobiControl Use this section to integrate with your MobiControl product.
SOTI Snap Use this section to integrate with your SOTI Snap product.