Certificate Validation

SOTI Cloud Link Agent communication is protected by mutually authenticated HTTPs sessions. Each SOTI ONE application provides a client certificate for authenticating to the SOTI Cloud Link Agent, which can be validated by the SOTI Cloud Link Agent or a reverse proxy.

Note: Due to the flexible deployment options available for the SOTI Cloud Link Agent, SOTI does not provide a server certificate for the SOTI Cloud Link Agent. You must purchase your own or be issued one by your corporate infrastructure. Purchase or issue a server certificate for the SOTI Cloud Link Agent with a Common Name matching the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) with which the SOTI ONE cloud application will communicate.

The SOTI Cloud Link Agent can be configured to use both client and server-side certificate validations. The client (SOTI ONE application) uses standard SSL validation and verifies whether the certificate presented by the SOTI Cloud Link Agent is trusted on the client. The server (SOTI Cloud Link Agent), if configured, uses certificate pinning to validate the certificate sent by the client. The server checks that the client's certificate has the specific thumbprint configured through the SOTI Cloud Link Agent Administration Utility.

Server Certificate

To set up the server certificate, bind any standard SSL certificate to the SSL port. The certificate should be trusted by clients and issued for the specific domain with "Digital Signature" key usage.

Client Certificate

To configure the client certificate:

  • Decide whether to issue your own client Certificate or use the one provided by the SOTI ONE application.
  • Ensure you have the root certificate on hand for any certificate authority you use to issue certificates.
  • Request an intermediate certificate from SOTI technical support to complete the certificate trust chain between the SOTI Cloud Link Agent and the SOTI ONE Platform application server.
  • Include both the SOTI ONE application root certificate and the intermediate certificate on the SOTI Cloud Link Agent Server.
  • Using the SOTI Cloud Link Agent Administration Utility, configure SOTI Cloud Link Agent to accept only the specific client certificate.