Manual Method

About this task

The manual method will require you to manually create a client ID and client secret, retrieve the remote control certificate data and key data from the SOTI MobiControl database, and update the SOTI Assist URL and remote control URL in the SOTI MobiControl database to point to the SOTI Assist instance.


  1. Log into SOTI Assist as an administrator.
  2. On the menu bar, click the menu button and select Settings.
    The SOTI Assist settings page opens.
  3. On the left side of the settings page, click Integration.
    The current integration settings appear on the right side of the page.
  4. If it is not already enabled, enable the SOTI Assist login page by clicking Enable SOTI Assist Login Page.
    The Domains field and the Other Instances section appear on the page.
  5. In the Domains field, enter the domain or domains you want to use for the SOTI Assist login page.
    The SOTI Assist login page at any of these domains will log into this instance of SOTI Assist.
  6. Click the green + button in the Other Instances section.
    The Add SOTI MobiControl dialog box opens.
  7. In the Add SOTI MobiControl dialog box, select Manual and enter the required information.
    See Add SOTI MobiControl to learn about what information is required.
  8. The client ID and client secret are what SOTI Assist will use to authenticate itself to the SOTI MobiControl server. Use the following steps to generate the client ID and client secret.
    1. On the SOTI MobiControl server, open an administrator command prompt window.
    2. In the command prompt window, change to the SOTI MobiControl installation directory.
    3. Run the following command:

      MCAdmin.exe APIClientAdd -n:SotiAssistCode -r:

      where is the URL of your SOTI Assist server.

      When the command finishes, a pop-up window appears listing the client ID and client secret that were just generated by the SOTI MobiControl Administration Utility. Ensure that you carefully record the client ID and client secret before you close the window.
      Note: You should treat the client ID and client secret with the same security as usernames and passwords.
    4. Copy and paste the client ID and client secret you just generated into the corresponding fields in the Add SOTI MobiControl dialog box.
  9. The remote control certificate data and remote control key data are used to connect the remote control service to the SOTI MobiControl deployment server. Use the following steps to obtain the two values.
    1. Access the SOTI MobiControl database.
    2. Run the following:

      SELECT CertData, KeyData FROM dbo.SystemCert WHERE CertType=3 AND IssuerCertId=(SELECT Data FROM dbo.Settings WHERE Name='SSLRootCA') order by id desc

    3. Select the first pair of values returned and copy them into the corresponding fields in the Add SOTI MobiControl dialog box.
  10. In the Add SOTI MobiControl dialog box, click Save.
    The save process will take a few seconds.
  11. After the save process completes, a pop-up window appears with more steps to complete.
    Warning: This is the only time you will see this pop-up window, so make sure you carefully record the values displayed.
  12. Update the SOTI MobiControl database with the HelpdeskUrlSuffix and HelpdeskUrl values displayed in the pop-up window. To do this, use the following steps.
    1. Access the SOTI MobiControl database.
    2. Use the following scripts to update the appropriate fields in the SOTI MobiControl database:

      UPDATE [dbo].[Settings] SET [Data] = 'your HelpDeskUrlSuffix value' WHERE [Name] = 'HelpDeskUrlSuffix'

      UPDATE [dbo].[Settings] SET [Data] = 'your HelpDeskUrl value' WHERE [Name] = 'HelpDeskUrl'

  13. If the SOTI MobiControl server uses a different certificate than the SOTI Assist server, you need to download the SOTI MobiControl root certificate and install it on the SOTI Assist server.
    1. Log into theSOTI MobiControl console as an administrator.
    2. On the All Platforms tab, click the Servers tab.
    3. In the top left section of the Servers tab, right-click Cloud Link Agents and select Download SOTI MobiControl Root Certificate.
    4. Move the downloaded root certificate file from the SOTI MobiControl server to the SOTI Assist server.
    5. On the SOTI Assist server, install the SOTI MobiControl root certificate.
      When installing the certificate, ensure that you select Local Machine so it is installed for all users, and that you add it to the Trusted Root Certificate directory.
  14. Log out and log back into SOTI Assist for the changes to take effect.