Device Events

Select the device events you want to trigger alerts, and any optional parameters for each event.

You can specify a customized message and severity level for each device event.

Add new device Triggers an alert when a new device is added.
Advanced settings configured Triggers an alert when advanced settings are configured.
Data Collection configured Triggers an alert when data collection is configured.
Device Configuration failed Triggers an alert when a device configuration failed.
Device configured Triggers an alert when a device is configured.
Device has not been checked in for N (minutes/hours/days) Triggers an alert when a device has not checked in for the specified amount of time. Device check-in is completed through the platform's MDM functionality without needing the device to connect to the deployment server. If desired, you can change the default alert message text (which uses %HOURS%). Click the Customized Alert Message field and change the default text to use %MINUTES% for minutes or %DAYS% for days. Enter a numerical value in the Value field for the duration (in minutes) desired.
Device has not been connected for N (minutes/hours/days) Triggers an alert when a device has not connected to SOTI MobiControl for the specified amount of time. If desired, you can change the default alert message text (which uses %HOURS%). Click the Customized Alert Message field and change the default text to use %MINUTES% for minutes or %DAYS% for days. Enter an integer value in the Value field for the duration (in minutes) desired.
Note: The value must be a multiple of 60, and the minimum allowed value is 60.
Device is in roaming Triggers an alert when a device is in a roaming state (that is, the device is away from its home zone).
Device is missing mandatory application Triggers an alert when a device is missing mandatory applications.
Device security configured Triggers an alert when device security is configured.
Device security violated Triggers an alert when a device has been jailbroken.
Device un-enroll requested by admin Triggers an alert when the SOTI MobiControl administrator makes the request to unenroll the device.
Device un-enroll requested by user Triggers an alert when the device user makes the request to unenroll the device.
Device unenrolled By Admin Triggers an alert when a device is unenrolled by the SOTI MobiControl administrator.
Device unenrolled By User Triggers an alert when a device is unenrolled by the device user.
Do Not Disturb Disabled Triggers an alert when the iOS Do Not Disturb feature is disabled.
Do Not Disturb Enabled Triggers an alert when the iOS Do Not Disturb feature is enabled.
File(s) synchronized Triggers an alert when file(s) are synchronized.
Find My iPhone Disabled Triggers an alert when the iOS Find My iPhone feature is disabled.
Find My iPhone Enabled Triggers an alert when the iOS Find My iPhone feature is enabled.
Geofencing Configured Triggers an alert when Geofencing is configured.
Insufficient number of App Store Licenses Triggers an alert when there are insufficient available Apple App Store licenses to meet device requirements.
MDM Profile Removed Triggers an alert when the MDM profile is removed from a device.
Personal Hotspot Disabled Triggers an alert when Personal Hotspot has been disabled on the device.
Personal Hotspot Enabled Triggers an alert when Personal Hotspot has been enabled on the device.
Profile failed to install, because all of its payloads cannot be installed Triggers an alert when a profile fails to install on a device because its payloads cannot all be installed.
Profile failed to remove Triggers an alert when a profile fails to be removed from devices.
Profile installed Triggers an alert when a profile is installed on devices.
Profile installed by administrative action Triggers an alert when a profile is installed on devices due to administrative action.
Profile Removed Triggers an alert when a profile is removed from devices.
Profile revoked from device by administrative action Triggers an alert when a profile is removed from devices by the SOTI MobiControl administrator.
SIM Card Changed Triggers an alert when the SIM card in a device changes.
SIM Card Inserted Triggers an alert when a SIM card is inserted into a device.
SIM Card Removed Triggers an alert when a SIM card is removed from a device.
Supervision Disabled Triggers an alert when iOS supervision is disabled on the device.
Supervision Enabled Triggers an alert when iOS supervision is enabled on the device.
Terms and Conditions pushed to device Triggers an alert when a new terms and conditions successfully pushed to the device.
Time Sync Configured Triggers an alert when time sync is configured.
User accepted Terms and Conditions Triggers an alert when a device user accepts terms and conditions.
User rejected Terms and Conditions Triggers an alert when a device user rejects terms and conditions.
iTunes Store Logged In Triggers an alert when device user is logged into the iTunes Store.
iTunes Store Logged Out Triggers an alert when device user is logged out of the iTunes Store.
iTunes account changed Triggers an alert when iTunes account on the device is changed.