Keyword Search
Enter any word or set of words into the Devices search bar and SOTI MobiControl will return any devices that match that search term. SOTI MobiControl scans the values of device properties to produce matches for your search term. These properties are a subset of the device properties available in a Device Information panel.
Keywords can be broad ("Apple") or narrow (a device ID) However, with broad searches, you may get unexpected results. Searching "Apple" will return both iOS and macOS devices but will also return Android devices with the Apple Music app installed. Therefore, keyword searches are most effective when using unique values such as serial numbers or device IDs.

Use device IDs for narrow keyword searches that return a single device.

Use a broad term like "apple" to return many results.
Use the Sample Devices data set to see how SOTI MobiControl performs searches using keywords.
# | Device Name | OS Version | Device Family | Serial Number |
1 | Timothy Smit's iPhone | 11.0 | Apple | AABBCCEEDD |
2 | Sara's Nexus | 5.0 | Android Plus | 1122334455 |
3 | Tim Thompson's Desktop | 10.0 | Windows Modern | ZZYYXXWWVV |
4 | Jane's iPad | 10.3 | Apple | A1B2C3D4E5 |
The following searches return these results:
This keyword | Returns these devices |
Tim | 1, 3 |
10 | 3, 4 |
apple | 1, 4 |
iOS 10 | No results |
Jane, Tim | No results |