Resetting MGPA Accounts

Before you begin

Set up at least two Enterprises for Managed Google Play Accounts in SOTI MobiControl.

About this task

Note: If you change the enterprise binding of a device, it will delete any existing Managed Google Play accounts and add a new account.

To change the enterprise binding of a device and add a new account to a device:


  1. In the Devices view, select the devices whose enterprise bindings you want to change.
  2. On the Device Actions menu bar, select More > Reset Account.
  3. Select an Enterprise Binding from the dropdown list.
  4. If applicable, expand the warning message at the bottom of the dialog box to see why you can't reset the accounts on some devices.
  5. Select Reset Account.


The enterprise binding will be changed on selected devices. Previously existing accounts are deleted and replaced by accounts for the new enterprise binding.