Add/Edit Modern Application Catalog Entry (Modern Enterprise Applications)

In the Add/Edit Application Catalog Entry dialog box you can select an enterprise application to add to this application catalog, or edit an enterprise application that has already been added to the catalog.

Upload Application (XAP/APPX) Select this option to upload an XAP or APPX file from a local or network filesystem. Click Browse to select the file.
Provision the application for all users of a device When enabled, the application will be available to all user accounts on a device.

There are two modes of installation of applications: installed and provisioned. Installed applications (when this option is not enabled) are only accessible by the user account that is enrolled in SOTI MobiControl. Provisioned applications are available to all users on a device.

Note: If a user deletes a provisioned application, it will not be reinstalled automatically. If an application catalog rule with provisioned applications is revoked or deleted, newly created user accounts on a device will not have access to the application. Current user accounts will retain access to the application.

Application Information

In this section you can enter or review application information such as the display name, version, price, seller, and description.

To select an icon for the application, click on the graphic and select the icon file.