Advanced Intermec SmartSystems Settings: XML Scripting

Intermec SmartSystems-enabled devices use XML to perform all configuration operations. Any item configurable with SmartSystems Intermec Settings can be set and retrieved with the new SmartSystems configuration APIs.

The following is an example of the XML script that enables "Code 39 decoding" in all devices in the Scanners group.

How to get "Code 39" options:

<DevInfo Action="Get">
    <Subsystem Name="Data Collection">
       <Group Name="Scanners" Instance="0">
          <Group Name="Symbologies">
             <Group Name="Code 39">
                <Field Name="Enable Code 39"></Field>
                <Group Name="Options">
                   <Field Name="Full ASCII Conversion"> </Field>
                   <Field Name="Start/Stop transmission"> </Field>
                   <Field Name="Start character"> </Field>
                   <Field Name="Verify check digit"> </Field>
                   <Field Name="Transmit check digit"> </Field>
                   <Field Name="Reading range"> </Field>
                   <Field Name="Reading tolerance"> </Field>
                   <Field Name="Length mode"></Field> 
                   <Field Name="Length 1"> </Field>
                   <Field Name="User defined symbology ID"></Field>

How to set "Code 39" options:

<DevInfo Action="Set">
   <Subsystem Name="Data Collection">
      <Group Name="Scanners" Instance="0">
         <Group Name="Symbologies">
            <Group Name="Code 39">
               <Field Name="Enable Code 39">1</Field>
               <Group Name="Options">
                  <Field Name="Full ASCII Conversion">0</Field>
                  <Field Name="Start/Stop transmission">0</Field>
                  <Field Name="Start character">2</Field>
                  <Field Name="Verify check digit">0</Field>
                  <Field Name="Transmit check digit">0</Field>
                  <Field Name="Reading range">0</Field>
                  <Field Name="Reading tolerance">0</Field>
                  <Field Name="Length mode">0</Field>
                  <Field Name="Length 1">3</Field>
                  <Field Name="User defined symbology ID">B1</Field>